إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

Take your Testing & Balancing or Commissioning reports into the field with you on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

TestBal is an easy to use app that lets you set up sheets and record readings. TestBal will store your data and let you easily synchronize it with web server so that you can keep working even if you dont have cell phone coverage or WiFi access.

Our web based Report Manager will let you edit, print and email your reports. For additional test sheets and a customized set up, contact us at support@sikoradatatech.com


● Automatic calculations.

● Include photos in reports.

● Quick lists for repetitive entries. You can create and add a list to fields on your iPhone.

● Customize sheets on the fly. Report fields are not fixed. You can add a field to the sheets whenever required, or you can hide fields that do not apply to the job you are on.

● Duct traverse hole distances are calculated with normal, log or a fixed number of holes methods.

● Additional sheets available. Deficiencies, General Notes, Checklists, etc.